It's been a long time since I've done any crochet - or anything crafty at all, for that matter. The month of June was just super insano busy. We had a parade of out-of-town guests, and then went out of town ourselves for a while. With all that going on, I've been in a bit of crafty withdrawal so I went on a bit of a tear this weekend, especially since I'm all fired up about the idea of opening an Etsy shop. I've already got one hat almost done, but I'll confess, I'm easily distracted by new things. And lately, I've had the idea stuck in my head to make some play food for E, especially since she's been putting toys in a old pot that I let her have and stirring it with a spatula like she's cooking. I know I'm super-biased, but it really is quite cute.
So this weekend I decided to go back to the inspiration for this blog and whip up a few amigurumi items. Some are from the book that my wonderful friend Meighan gave me, Amigurumi Super Happy Crochet Cute. Others are variations of pictures or patterns that I've found online. I cheated on some of the leaves and stuff and used felt.
Most of it is pretty self-explanatory. The two circles on the left are tomato slices that are going to be part of either a sandwich or a burger. I'm about halfway through making a fried egg to go with the bacon, and I'm planning on adding a pat of butter to the toast too. I may do some pancakes too, but it's hard to find the exact colors (and I'm trying really hard not to buy new yarn). More to come...
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