Sunday, April 19, 2009

Update on the stupid effing bag

I finally started sewing together the Amy Butler Everything Bag last week. I'd say I'm about 80% done with it. I think it was definitely way over my head in terms of skill level, but at least I'm pushing myself and learning something new, right?

The major major issue I ran into was sewing the bottom panel of the lining to the sides. It's the last piece you sew on for the lining, and because there the center divider is stiff and does not bend, it made it virtually impossible to smash down into my machine to sew on with the 1/2" seam allowance.

Here was my pathetic 1st and 2nd attempts before I gave up and just hand-stitched it.

A few other random notes for anyone attempting this project:
I went with the recommendations in the book on the interfacing and bought Thermolam Plus for the fusible fleece. Well, I come to find out it is NOT fusible fleece unless it says Thermolam Plus FUSIBLE on it. Sounds pretty obvious to most people, but I guess silly me assumed that if it that was the only one I saw at the store and it was on the fusible interfacing shelf, why wouldn't it be the right one? And I only figured this out after ironing and ironing like a moron and wondering why it wouldn't fuse, only to have a friend look at it, give it a quick feel and say, "That's not fusible. There's no glue." Grrrr. So of course, this added about 10 extra steps since I now had to baste the fleece to the exterior panels, and it doesn't lay right and I had to trim it, blah, blah, blah.

But once I got that done, by comparison, the outside was easy to put together since there were no pockets or dividers to mess with. All I have left is to match up the inside and outside and stitch them together. I'm debating on whether or not to add a tab with a magnetic closure on top, but I will likely skip it since at this point, I just want to be done. Here it is so far.

The lining is looking like it's a little bit higher than the exterior, so I think I may have to go in and rip some of that out and restitch it to get it to be the right height. And no, I can't just fold it down more because again, the stupid center divider is in my way. I am never ever making a bag with a divider in it again.

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