Sunday, December 14, 2008

Late night Photoshop fun

T had to work the rare overnight last night so I had the house to myself. I took advantage of the peace and quiet to play around on the computer without any interruptions. I'd been wanting to try out some of the free actions I downloaded a while back. Nothing crazy fancy, just some simple color adjustments to get a little closer to a pro look. I tried out quite a few, but most were too wacky for my taste. But there were a bunch that I think I will definitely hang onto. Just for kicks, I thought I'd share. All of these are available free. I think most of them are from ActionCentral. You can probably google for the ones that aren't.

Here is the original pic. It was a bit dark and also had a reddish cast to it.

I did a little tweaking to the curves to brighten it up, and I also did a defog, but nothing else major.

Here's the first set of afters (click on the image to see it larger). From left, Midnight Sepia, Black & Color, and Barely Vintage.

Set 2: Urban Acid, Bloom, and Lomo.


  1. Hey girl, your pix & labels don't match the top set is the Urban Acid first & the bottom set is the midnight sepia first! ;)

    Glad you're having fun with these! :D

  2. Oh & I love the urban acid one! :D

  3. Oops, I didn't even notice! Fixed it now, thanks! :)
